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Modern Day Job Search for Mature Workers Virtual Workshop


Discover key tips on fighting ageism and resources to finding companies and websites that are looking for mature workers. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to […]

Veteran Resource Fair

CSHP Tampa Center 9215 N. Florida Ave, Suite 101, Tampa

CSTB's Annual 2023 Veteran’s Resource Fair is on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m at the CareerSource Tampa Bay Brandon center located at 6302 E Dr […]

Dress for Success Virtual Workshop


Discuss the importance of your appearance and dressing for success for the interview and in the workplace. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click here or at the website listed below.


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