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Crafting a Marketable Resume Virtual Workshop


Identify résumé writing best practices and common résumé writing errors to avoid. List and describe the types of résumés and different résumé sections. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have […]

Professional Networking Group (PNG) Meeting

CSTB Brandon Center 6302 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 120, Tampa

The Professional Networking Group of Tampa Bay (PNG) is meeting in person  at CSTB’s Tampa Center at 9215 N. Florida Ave., Room #19, Tampa FL, 33612. Professionals looking to network are […]

Professional Networking Group (PNG) Meeting

CSHP Tampa Center 9215 N. Florida Ave, Suite 101, Tampa

The Professional Networking Group of Tampa Bay (PNG) is meeting in person  at CSTB’s Tampa Center at 9215 N. Florida Ave., Room #19, Tampa FL, 33612. The topic for the month […]

Surviving a Layoff Virtual Workshop


You’ve been laid off…now what? Explore job loss, how to cope with the new changes and tips for starting over. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile […]


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