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Tranysha Downey

Tranysha, an 18-year old young adult residing in Hillsborough County approached the ACE program in October 2021.  Tranysha resided with her mom and her younger sister.  She had been out of work for the last 24 weeks having left her cashier job in April 2021.  Her mother was also without work and the family had applied for benefits through the Department of Children and Families but pending receipt.  Tranysha had recently completed her High School and attained her HS diploma and was seeking further education.  Tranysha selected Business Operations Specialist as her ACE training program seeking a career path in administration and administration support.  Tranysha was paired with Netwolves Network Services, a local IT employer in Hillsborough County to complete her 9-week worksite training.  Tranysha completed her classroom training with Computer Coach successfully earning two certificates and attaining her measurable skills gains.  On the worksite, her supervisor, Michael Wertheim, evaluated her performance as excellent.  Tranysha with the help of her ACE recruiter applied for several positions within admin/admin support and started to become a little frustrated.  Her ACE recruiter continued to support her and recently assisted to her apply for an open position with CareerSource Tampa Bay and excited to report that Tranysha started in June with CareerSource as an Management Information Technician and will be assisting with several areas in the MIS team.

When asked, how has the ACE program helped you?  Tranysha excitedly responded, “The ACE program has helped me to find my path from straight out of high school and get started on my new career path . Not only did the ace program help me learn many new things it also provided education and a career, a great combo.  A blessing is what I call it!  I couldn’t be more grateful for the ACE program helping me get to where I want to be.  When I got out of high school I had somewhat of a clue what I wanted to do but just wasn’t sure of how to get there.  That’s exactly what the Ace program did for me helping me get to my destination and it’s only the beginning.”

When staff went to ask, how have you liked your ACE experience?  Tranysha replied, “The ACE program was very beneficial to me.  It’s a wonderful program and I’m so grateful to be a part of it.  As I finished my classroom training, I worked at Netwolves Technology and learned so much.  Now I’m working CareerSource Eisenhower and wouldn’t change anything.  I’m so grateful to have a wonderful supervisor, Matt , I have learned so many new things in three days and I ready to learn so much more for my new career and this new opportunity that has opened up so many new views in my life . I have nothing but good things to stay about the ACE program and the  wonderful things I am very, very grateful to get this opportunity and I hope that anyone who gets this opportunity definitely go for it and does not turn down an opportunity to become something better and do something successful for your future.”


Gary Lowery

Gary Lowery was a young adult who was taking odd jobs trying to build a portfolio as a Digital Marketing Specialist. Gary was struggling as he was unable to make ends meet with the up and down nature of his work. Gary was excited to receive information about the ACE program from an email campaign CSTB launched in April 2022. Later in April, Gary started his ACE program in Digital marketing and was instantly identified as a super-star. His performance has been stellar having never missed a day, enthusiasm and participation has not gone un-noticed.

The ACE team paired Gary with Prymel Elements to complete his Paid Work Experience portion of the ACE program. Prymel Elements is a branding and consulting agency fueled by their passion to help brands thrive. They provide an intimate experience that allows our clients to retain their voice through the process. Prymel Elements is owned by self-made entrepreneurs, which made such a strong impression on Gary.

Gary was inspired by the black-owned, women-led business that he got right to work. He worked vigorously at implementing the concepts he was learning in the classroom. However, Gary is not the only one who was impressed. The owners of Prymel Elements are considering offering Gary a full-time position at the company at the end of his ACE experience. The ACE program has provided structure and a pathway to his long-term goal of a Chief Marketing Director. Gary states, “The program is more hands on, not like other programs which you just sit in a classroom. It helps learners like me, who learn by doing and not just instruction.”

We are looking forward to following Gary throughout his success!


Cory Edwards

Cory, a Hillsborough young man aged 24 years old and who had not worked in 41 weeks due the conditions of the Pandemic. He came to CSTB looking for a full- time position and self-sufficient wage.  He was referred to the Youth team and heard about the ACE program.  Cory met with the ACE coordinator seeking services thru the ACE program interested in the IT training.  Cory had previously been a stocker with local retail chain.  He attained his HS diploma in June of 2015.  Cory started the ACE Cyber Security training program in September 2021 with ACE training partner, Computer Coach.  He was a diligent student and attained industry certifications and his diploma as Cory completed in November 2021.  Cory was matched with ACE employer, No Limit Staffing, starting his worksite training also in September 2021, but a change in staffing at No Limit caused a move on 10/25/2021 to Computer Coach to complete Cory’s worksite training.  Cory successfully completed his Paid Work Experience in December 2021 with stellar comments from his worksite supervisor.

When asked recently what impact did the ACE program have for Cory, Cory responded, “During my time at the ACE program, I was able to get multiple certifications to break into the Information Technology industry. I was able to learn the basics and foundation of information technology such as Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting and how to protect yourself and others from threats, and what it means to be a secure user. In the ACE program, you will learn different concepts such as networking which pertains to how different devices and the overall internet work and connect together. You will also learn security strategies to protect yourself and end users from threats, so they have the proper protection needed to avoid things like phishing and various other attacks that are seen in the cybersecurity space. The ACE program help me get the appropriate experience needed to excel in the industry.”



Aracelis Santiago

Aracelis, a Hillsborough young single parent aged 24 years old with a 1-year old daughter, approached the ACE program in December 2021, seeking a career change.  She had been without work for most of the previous year to the Pandemic and economic conditions.  She worked last as a teller and had her High School Diploma, last in school in 2015.  Aracelis was seeking a change and selected the ACE program, Digital Marketing, thru Computer Coach, the ACE training partner.  Aracelis started in January 2022 and completed her classroom training with attainment of her measurable skills gain, 5 stackable certificates and her diploma as an outstanding student in her cohort.  Aracelis was paired with Katpro Technologies successfully completed her Paid Work Experience in March 2022.  Katpro liked her work and her fit keeping Aracelis on where she is still working in her selected career.


When asked to give thoughts on how the ACE program impacted her, Aracelis states, “As a participant of the ACE program I am so thankful for this opportunity. I have learned so much throughout the computer coach training where I got many certifications in Digital Marketing and the Internship where I put my knowledge to work. It has definitely made an impact on my life. Now I have started my career in tech and I’m so excited to see what more I can achieve!”


Claire Moore

Claire, a Hillsborough young adult aged 22 years when she applied with the WIOA youth program seeking services in September 2019.  Claire had obtained her HS diploma but had never worked until she came to see CareerSource Tampa Bay.  Claire was seeking assistance with advanced training and selected to start the Digital Marketing program at Computer Coach, an CSTB training partner.  When Claire heard about the ACE program where she could obtain advanced training with computer coach and worksite training at same time, she asked her youth coach about referring to the ACE program.  ACE coordinator took over her application and request for ACE services.  Claire started in the ACE program in September of 2021 in the Digital Marketing program completing her classroom training in December 2021 earning her measurable skills gains and 2 stackable certificates and her diploma thru Computer Coach.  Claire was paired with her worksite employer, Synapse Florida, Inc completing her worksite in January 2022.  Computer Coach stated she was a model student and is poised to advance in her selected field.  Claire has been working with the ACE recruiter in her job search and preparation to go to work in her field.  She completed her second interview for a youth coordinator position at MacDill Airforce base and is anxiously awaiting word.

When asked how did the ACE program help her, Claire responded with, “Career Source’s youth program has been a good experience for me. My network has grown thanks to the ACE program and I learned value skills that I’ll use in the future. I was very thankful for the opportunities and help I received from Career Source.”


Romeo Hill

my experience with the Career Source and the ACE program:

An ACE student in the Front End Software Development program, Romeo Hill, states that he has always had a passion and knack for computers growing up.  He has actually taken apart and reassembled multiple computers building his own computer as teen.  He states however where he was lacking was formal training and certification.  He heard about the ACE program enrolling in September 2021 choosing the Front End Software program, a 12-week ACE program.  Romeo states, “I feel that I am on great path that I did not think was open to me and excited about the future.”  Romeo partnered with Katpro for his worksite training.  As he completed his training both classroom and worksite in November, Romeo has been offered to stay on with his employer of record thru an On-the-Job Training to continue his growth in the IT field.


Carlos Garcia

my experience with the Career Source and the ACE program by:

An ACE student in the first Digital Marketing cohort submitted the following recapping the impact of the ACE program to his career and special recognition of his coach, our ACE coordination, Cynthia Diaz.

Before joining the ACE program, I didn’t have a job and not much was under my belt, the program helped me tremendously not only was I able to get a job but after putting the time and effort  I was able to get a Diploma in digital marketing, Also I was given a career coach by the name of Cynthia Diaz who   provided great support and guidance when I needed help or didn’t understand certain things, and overall made my experience great and definitely has given me a chance to successes that I didn’t see in myself before. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in a career no matter what the circumstances are like back at home. I want to Thank again Cynthia my career coach, Alexa my apprenticeship, the teachers and the whole Career source of Tampa, and look forward to the Future!!   Thank You, Carlos




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