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CareerSource Tampa Bay (CSTB) is a proud partner with Clark University in Worcester, Maryland, who was recently awarded a $10 million workforce training grant from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

Clark University’s award for a $10 million apprenticeship grant from the DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) will help provide workforce training for jobs in industries
currently in demand, such as information technology (IT), manufacturing, and transportation.

The announcement was made this week by Public Consulting Group (PCG), which will be working with Clark University in this public-private sector partnership between the university
and the national workforce system. PCG will support business engagement and recruitment technical assistance for local workforce boards. The goal is to provide unemployed and
underemployed workers with access to training that can lead to job opportunities in designated industries.

For this grant, Clark University’s School of Professional Studies will establish the TechBoost Program through a partnership involving three other education providers, four workforce development boards, and six employers. They will provide IT and IT-related industry sectorbased credential and work-based training to participants.

Participating Grant Partners include:
• CareerSource Tampa Bay, MassHire Boston, MassHire Central, and Partner4Work
• Florida Career College, Holyoke Community College, and Quinsigamond Community
• City of Worcester, IQ4, Lucravalde, Ownforce, PCG, and the Worcester Regional
Chamber of Commerce

The TechBoost Program will give 800 unemployed and underemployed workers training and retraining in IT and IT-related careers. In addition to training, participants will receive placement within work-based learning opportunities, such as on-the-job training, paid internships, and apprenticeship programs.

“CareerSource Tampa Bay is extremely proud to be part of this partnership,” said CSTB’s CEO John Flanagan. “The information technology, manufacturing and transportation sectors all play a vital role in the strength of the overall economy in Tampa Bay. This grant will help us improve crucial job training in these areas.”

See the initial announcement about Clark University’s $10 Million DOL grant for the workforce

About CareerSource Tampa Bay

CareerSource Tampa Bay programs and initiatives are fully supported by the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture as part of awards totaling

CareerSource Tampa Bay works with businesses and candidates to leverage their training, retraining, and competitive opportunities in the workforce. CareerSource Tampa Bay provided
240,269 services to 36,960 active Wagner-Peyser individuals during program year 2018-2019.

CareerSource Tampa Bay, with our five career centers is the single largest source of job candidates in the region from entry-level to executive-level candidates. Businesses can access CareerSource’s wide range of services that include recruiting, training for new and existing employees, targeted hiring events, and retention support strategies. All resources and services are provided at no cost to both businesses and job candidates. Programs funded through CareerSource Tampa Bay are equal opportunity programs with auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Persons using TTY/TTD equipment use Florida Relay Service 711. A proud partner of the American Job Center network to learn more, visit


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