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Inclusivity Statement

CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas is obligated to operate all of our programs and activities in a non-discriminatory manner.

Specifically, Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the accompanying regulations at 29 CFR Part 37 require equal opportunity in the workforce development system, and prohibit discrimination in WIOA-financially assisted programs based on:

• Race
• Color
• National origin
• Actual or perceived Religion
• Age
• Gender identity
• Gender expression
• Sex or sex stereotyping
• Disability
• Citizenship
• Political affiliation or belief
• Actual or perceived ethnic characteristics

• Shared ancestry

• Pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, including childbearing capacity

• WIOA status as a participant


Section 188 of WIOA applies to all programs and activities offered through the workforce development system and workforce development partners, even if the principal source of financial assistance for a program or activity is a federal department or agency other than USDOL.

In addition to Section 188 of WIOA, there are many other applicable regulations and statutes including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1999, Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, etc. that we must uphold the non-discrimination clause contained therein.

CSHP Grievance Policy

CSHP Grievance/Complaint Process

Florida Nondiscrimination Plan (2023) 

EO officer document in English and Spanish

Anonymous Complaints can be made by clicking here.  Anonymous complaints go to a third-party vendor to keep confidentiality.


As part of these obligations, we must publicize the name and contact information of our EEO Officer. For CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas, our designated Equal Opportunity Officer and his contact information is as follows:

Doug Tobin, VP of Public Relations/Marketing

Equal Employment Opportunity Officer

4350 West Cypress Street

Suite 875 Tampa, FL 33634


TDD/TTY: 813 930-7699

Do not hesitate to contact Mr. Tobin via email at with any questions about our nondiscrimination policy or if any customer wishes to file a complaint about our programs and services.



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