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Job Search for Mature Workers Virtual Workshop


Discover key tips on fighting ageism and resources to finding companies and websites that are looking for mature workers.  ?VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Marketing Yourself Virtual Workshop


Improve your professional image by learning how to make the best elevator speech and social media presence. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Creating an Effective Cover Letter Virtual Workshop


Learn the dos and don’ts of one of the most essential parts of an effective cover letter by looking at examples of good and bad cover letters. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the […]

Interviewing Basics Virtual Workshop


Learn about Traditional and Modern Behavioral interview questions. Conduct targeted research to prepare for interviews. Learn proven techniques and strategies for preparing for interviews. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Planning for Financial Emergencies In-Person Workshop

CSTB Brandon Center 6302 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 120, Tampa, FL, United States

Learn about different types of financial emergencies that can occur, how to plan for them and learn strategies to weather an ongoing financial emergency. IN-PERSON WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for an in-person class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Professional Mixer

JC Newman Cigar Company 2701 N 16th St, Tampa, FL

6 Employers max; 30 unique positions max - evening event

Panel Interviews Virtual Workshop


Identify the difference between Traditional and Modern Behavioral interview questions. List and apply proven techniques and strategies for preparing for interviews. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Job Search Strategies in a Virtual World Virtual Workshop


Discover how to navigate online job searching by learning about best practices regarding searching by keywords, using the best sites, and personal branding. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Understanding A.T.S. Virtual Workshop


Define Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and how they are used in the job application process.  Identify best practices for an ATS-compatible résumé and a successful job application.  VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the […]

Surviving A Layoff Virtual Workshop


You’ve been laid off…now what? Explore job loss, how to cope with the new changes and tips for starting over. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

2024 Opportunity Youth Summit

Tampa Marriott Water Street 505 Water St, Tampa, FL

CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas is convening the region’s first Opportunity Youth Workforce Summit on Tuesday, Oct. 1, bringing education, business, and nonprofit leaders together to focus on young adults in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties who are disconnected from employment and education. The summit will serve as a regional think tank, fostering discussions and developing solutions to […]


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