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LinkedIn: Optimizing Your Profile Virtual Workshop


Need information on improving your existing profile and using LinkedIn in your job search? Then this hands-on workshop is right for you! Opportunity to optimize your job search via LinkedIn. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need […]

Crafting a Marketable Resume Virtual Workshop


Identify résumé writing best practices and common résumé writing errors to avoid. List and describe the types of résumés and different résumé sections. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Breaking Barriers Virtual Workshop


Learn to identify common barriers to employment and how to deal with those barriers on job applications, resumes and interviews. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Crafting a Marketable Resume Virtual Workshop


Identify résumé writing best practices and common résumé writing errors to avoid. List and describe the types of résumés and different résumé sections. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Good Jobs: Job Quality and Good Employers Virtual Workshop


Learn how to identify the right industry for you and finding an employer that matches your professional needs and values. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Job Fair

HCC SouthShore Campus 551 24th St NE, Ruskin, FL, United States

Register to attend HERE.

LinkedIn: Getting Started Virtual Workshop


Need a LinkedIn profile? Then this hands-on workshop is right for you! Opportunity to optimize your job search via LinkedIn. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Good Jobs Employer Workshop


CSTB will be hosting a virtual Good Jobs Employer Workshop on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, from 10:00am – 11:00am. At this workshop employers can learn more about the Good Jobs initiative and start the process of becoming a Good Jobs Employer. Email: [email protected] to receive link for workshop. Register Here

The S.T.A.R Method Virtual Workshop


Define the S.T.A.R. Method and apply it when answering behavioral interview questions. Demonstrate best practices and customized responses to interview questions in a simulated interview. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed […]

Virtual Interviews Virtual Workshop


Learn about new pitfalls and best practices for virtual interviews so that you can be ready for this increasingly common phenomenon! VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Professional Communication Virtual Workshop


How do people communicate, and how should we best communicate in professional settings? Learn about some excellent communication practices in professional settings. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.

Job Search for Mature Workers Virtual Workshop


Discover key tips on fighting ageism and resources to finding companies and websites that are looking for mature workers.  ?VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed below.


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