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Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act

WIOA funding is limited and due to overwhelming interest and application by local Hillsborough job seekers seeking assistance with occupational skills training, CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas is closing open enrollment temporarily while current applicants and pipeline are screened and processed, and the budget review is completed.  We apologize for any inconvenience and would ask interested job seekers to monitor our CareerSource website for a change in enrollment status under WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker funding.


Get started today.  To begin the enrollment process for WIOA ADDW  program, applicants will need to attend a WIOA Info Session. WIOA Info sessions are held multiple times throughout the week at multiple locations. During the WIOA Info Session you will be paired with your Career Coach to assist you through your application.   If you would like to learn more about this program sign up for one of our information workshops by clicking on this LINK.

WIOA Flyer

Individualized Career Services

Individualized Career Services provides one-on-one career coaching services tailored to the individual’s unique employment need. Services may include:

• Assessment of skill levels and interest profiles
• Creation of an individualized career development plan
• Resume assistance
• Labor market information
• Interview coaching
• Job search assistance

Occupational Skills Training

Occupational Skills training includes tuition assistance through WIOA funding.  The WIOA program can include assistance with instructional costs, books, materials, and uniforms/supplies. The primary focus of this funding is education and training for one of this area’s targeted occupations. Upon completion of an approved training program, CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas will help match your skills with jobs that are currently in demand.

The WIOA program is geared towards customer choice. Individuals who are interested in training services are invited to review and research the options presented on our approved training provider list.  This list was developed after extensive research into our local, regional, and statewide labor and job market. In addition, our Board of Directors, which consists of local business experts, have reviewed, and approved this list.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training (OJT) provides WIOA eligible participants occupational skills and training essential to the performance of a specific job. OJT is an “earn and learn” employment model where participants may upgrade, retool and increase employability skills. OJT addresses local employers’ workforce needs, enhances the skills of the participants and aids employers in attaining qualified, skilled workforce with the competencies that are needed.

Two unique features of OJT:
1. The participant begins training as a new employee
2. The participant receives training at the workplace, under appropriate supervision, acquiring occupational skills and knowledge in an “on-the-job” training environment

OJT is most appropriate for:
• Adults with barriers to employment; i.e. unemployed workers, underemployed workers
• Dislocated workers in need of new employer-based skills

WIOA OJT and Individualized Career Services Information Sessions

To start the enrollment process for WIOA AD DW On-the-Job Training, applicants will need to Create an userID to our virtual platform to register for your information session if a new user.  Or login using your Career Edge credentials if currently an active user. Once completed, Select your date and time for an in-person WIOA information session.

If you need assistance at anytime during the process or with registration, please email our customer service address at  [email protected]. and please provide your phone number and email address. Thank you again for your interest!

See our list of Approved Training Provider Programs to see if a training program interests you.

Approved Training Vendors and Targeted Occupations Lists

For questions or further assistance under the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program, please email [email protected]

WIOA Program Informational Sessions

Thank you for your interest in WIOA. We are very excited to serve you! Your next steps will be:

• Create a userID to our virtual platform to register for your information session if a new user.  Or log in using your Career Edge credentials if currently an active user.
• Select your date and time for an in-person or virtual WIOA information session.
• Meet with your assigned eligibility specialist to begin your WIOA application.
Note:  WIOA services are based upon eligibility and suitability for program services.

If you need assistance at anytime during the process or with registration, please email our customer service address at  [email protected] and please provide your phone number and email address. Thank you again for your interest!

Register for an Info Session

WIOA Program Appointments

For WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs/Enrollment or questions/comments, please email  [email protected]

For questions or further assistance under the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program, please email [email protected]




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