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WIOA Eligibility

Services under the WIOA program are eligibility-based. Therefore, all interested applicants must meet and be able to document general and funding-specific eligibility criteria in order to be considered for enrollment.

All eligible applicants must be a resident of Hillsborough County, 18 years of age or older, and meet U.S. citizenship or permanent resident requirements.

To learn more about how you can register for WIOA programs click here to register for our free Information Session.

General WIOA Eligibility

• Hillsborough county resident
• 18 years of age or older
• Meet U.S. citizenship or permanent resident requirements
• Meet selective service registration requirements (males born after 12/31/59)

If all general eligibility criteria are met, an interested applicant is also required to meet either Adult or Dislocated Worker eligibility criteria in order to be considered for enrollment.

Adult Eligibility

Applicants must meet at least one of the following:

• You are receiving or a member of a household that is currently receiving food stamps, or have received food stamps in the last six months
• Your annualized household income during the past 26 weeks (six months falls within 70% of the Federal Poverty Family Income Guidelines
• You receive or are a member of a family that receives Supplemental Security Income
• You lack a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence & are homeless
• You have a substantial disability. NOTE: A substantial disability eliminates a classification or group of jobs that the individual can no longer perform based on the disability.

Dislocated Worker Eligibility

Applicants must meet at least one of the following:

• You have been terminated or laid off or has received a notice of termination or layoff from employment and are eligible for or has exhausted unemployment compensation and are unlikely to return to the previous industry or occupation.
• You have been terminated or laid off, or have received notice of termination or layoff and have been employed for sufficient duration (a minimum of 6 consecutive weeks) to demonstrate workforce attachment but you are not eligible for Reemployment Assistance due to insufficient earnings or employer not being covered under State compensation law and you are unlikely to return to the previous industry or occupation
• You have been terminated or received a notice of termination or layoff from employment as a result of permanent closure, or substantial layoff at a plant, facility or enterprise.
• You have been given the general announcement from your employer that the facility will close within 180 days.
• You were previously self-employed but are now unemployed due to general economic conditions in the community or because of natural disaster.
• You were providing unpaid services to WIOA-defined family members in the home and have been dependent on the income of another family member but are now no longer supported by that income and are unemployed or underemployed and are experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
• You are the spouse of a current member of the military who was forced to leave his/her employment to follow spouse due to change in military assignment.
• You are a previous member of the military who was discharged from the armed forces under honorable conditions and who did not retire from the military.



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