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Creating an Effective Cover Letter Virtual Workshop


VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for a virtual class, you will need to click the website listed […]

The S.T.A.R Method Virtual Workshop


Define the S.T.A.R. Method and apply it when answering behavioral interview questions. Demonstrate best practices and customized responses to interview questions in a simulated interview. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers […]

Dress for Success Virtual Workshop


Discuss the importance of your appearance and dressing for success for the interview and in the workplace. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to […]

Crafting a Marketable Resume In Person Workshop

CSHP Tampa Center 9215 N. Florida Ave, Suite 101, Tampa, FL, United States

Identify résumé writing best practices and common résumé writing errors to avoid. List and describe the types of résumés and different résumé sections. IN-PERSON WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for an in-person class, you will need to click on the website listed below.

Open Lab Hours

CSHP Tampa Center 9215 N. Florida Ave, Suite 101, Tampa, FL, United States

Open lab offers hands-on technical assistance for resume & cover letter formatting & critiquing, Employ Florida, Florida Ready for Work certifications, and other e-learning platforms.  Open lab is a walk-in service and will require Employ Florida registration.

Modern Day Job Search for Mature Workers In-Person Workshop

CSTB Brandon Center 6302 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 120, Tampa, FL, United States

Discover key tips on fighting ageism and resources to finding companies and websites that are looking for mature workers. IN-PERSON WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for an in-person class, you will need to click here or at the website listed below.

Surviving A Layoff Virtual Workshop


You’ve been laid off…now what? Explore job loss, how to cope with the new changes and tips for starting over. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile […]

VNG – Veterans Networking Group

CSHP Tampa Center 9215 N. Florida Ave, Suite 101, Tampa, FL, United States

CareerSource Hillsborough Pinellas (CSHP) is pleased to invite you to our monthly Veterans Networking Group (VNG)! Please see below and attached flyer with event details. VNG is a place for Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, National Guard and Reserve Service Members, and Military Spouses to have an opportunity to network for resources, best practices, and career […]

LinkedIn: Getting Started Virtual Workshop


Need a LinkedIn profile? Then this hands-on workshop is right for you! Opportunity to optimize your job search via LinkedIn. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile […]

Job Search Strategies in a Virtual World Virtual Workshop


Discover how to navigate online job searching by learning about best practices regarding searching by keywords, using the best sites, and personal branding. ? VIRTUAL WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have […]

Crafting a Marketable Resume In Person Workshop

CSTB Brandon Center 6302 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 120, Tampa, FL, United States

Identify résumé writing best practices and common résumé writing errors to avoid. List and describe the types of résumés and different résumé sections. IN-PERSON WORKSHOP REGISTRATION: All customers must have a basic profile on to request workshop registration. To register for an in-person class, you will need to click on the website listed below.

Open Lab Hours

CSTB Brandon Center 6302 E. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd, Suite 120, Tampa, FL, United States

Open lab offers hands-on technical assistance for resume & cover letter formatting & critiquing, Employ Florida, Florida Ready for Work certifications, and other e-learning platforms.  Open lab is a walk-in service and will require Employ Florida registration.


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