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Job Quality in Tampa Bay

CareerSource Tampa Bay is where talent meets opportunity. As the local workforce development board, we connect job seekers to career advancement opportunities and employers to high-potential talent.


Tampa Bay Job Quality Framework

Our job quality framework helps job seekers identify opportunities that best fit their needs and helps employers recruit and retain top talent. Four pillars guide our framework: Pay and Benefits, Career Training and Advancement, Workplace Culture and Environment, and Employee and Family Support.


Why is job quality important?


The post-COVID-19 economic recovery has resulted in a tight labor market with many workers searching for higher quality work and economic mobility and employers across industries struggling to attract and retain skilled talent needed to maintain or grow their business. 

By providing quality jobs with family sustaining wages, robust benefits, safe and inclusive work environments, predictable work scheduling, staff professional development, and internal growth for employees, employers can address their skills gaps, increase the number of skilled applicants to open positions and address employee retention rates.  Simultaneously, employers can improve their company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion practices. 

The resources of CareerSource Tampa Bay’s Good Jobs program will help employers learn how to assess and improve the quality of their company’s employment opportunities and help promote job quality efforts. 


Why should employers care about job quality?


Good Job Quality helps employers attract and retain top talent and helps job seekers make their next job, their best job.  

Job quality largely determines if workers will dislike, tolerate, or love their jobs. 

It will determine: 

  • If they stay or leave.
  • How they perform and communicate on the job.
  • How they portray the company to friends, peers, and other potential candidates.
  • What candidates are looking for in a new company and position.


What makes a good job?


Job quality combines job and company characteristics that drive a worker’s overall employment experience. CareerSource Tampa Bay groups these characteristics under four pillars that represent worker priorities: 

Pay and Benefits 

  • Wages: How does the pay compare to the living wage threshold? How do wages increase over time?
  • Supplemental Wages: Are there additional forms of direct or indirect financial benefits?
  • Benefits: What health or health-related benefits are offered?


Career Training and Advancement 

  • Career Training: Are there training opportunities and assistance available?
  • Career Advancement: Are there formal pathways and support available for career advancement?


Workplace Culture and Environment 

  • Work Schedule: How much control does the employee have over their work schedule?
  • Workplace Safety & Security: What policies and processes exist to ensure the safety and security in the workplace?
  • Voice & Representation: What mechanisms are available for employees to express their thoughts and opinions to leadership, supervisors, and peers?


Employee and Family Support 

  • Work-Life Balance: Are there policies and activities in place to support time away from work? 
  • Family Support: Are there policies and activities in place to support employees and their families outside of the workplace? 



Get Started

Contact us at [email protected].




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