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Labor Market Information

This page provides a quick glimpse of the Hillsborough County and Tampa Bay area employment conditions. Information here can be useful to job candidates looking to enhance their career opportunities and job search. You can use this link for quick access to information on occupations, wages and salaries, training resources, or to develop profiles to help manage your job search.

CSTB has identified the following Targeted Sectors; Transportation and Trades, Manufacturing and Logistics, Hospitality and Tourism and Retail, Finance and Professional Services, Information Technology, and Healthcare and Life Sciences.Each targeted sector is mapped to a corresponding North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Industry. Data displayed is from EMSI, Inc. which incorporates various public data sets to provide an industry snapshot of various demographics.

Heat Maps and Job Orders
Hospitality_Retail_Toursim Industry Snapshots
Transportation_Trades Industry Snapshots
Information Technology
Healthcare and Social Assistance
Finance and Professional Services

Click here for a detailed report on industries showing growth or declines in jobs, population totals and other information specific to Hillsborough County.

Current Market Information

WSER Monthly Presentations


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